Positive Climate News from POW USA
Those of us who love adventure sports are used to getting turned back, worked, shut down, spit out – then gearing up and setting out again. Success is never guaranteed, with a ski mountaineering objective, or with climate policy. Getting denied with the summit in view is especially painful.
This week, after a year of advocacy from POW USA and many others the most impactful climate policy ever in the US is about to be passed. It’s called the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s a great example of multisolving. That’s when you solve two or more problems at once – eg reducing inflation and reducing climate change. This act will invest billions into clean energy, clean transport and green technology and will transform how energy is sourced and used in America.
These investments will have ripple effects through homes and communities in the US and globally. The US is now a leader in climate and will be on track to reduce it’s emissions by 40% by 2030. That’s a BFD and much better than NZ at the moment.
For many years POW US, their partners, athletes and supporters have been asking for many things the Inflation Reduction Act includes such as:
- Incentives for solar, wind, storage and electrification
- Investments in domestic manufacturing of clean energy components
- Credits for new AND USED electric vehicles
- Funding for communities most impacted by pollution
- A FEE ON METHANE EMISSIONS (although most methane emissions in the states come from coal mining rather than dairy cows as in NZ)
In total there is potentially up to $500 billion dollars being spent, the most historic climate investment in history. This is wise investing and will protect the places we love as skiers, climbers, trail runners and mountain bikers.
Some of the actions POW US took to help get this over the line:
- Tommy Caldwell took a senator climbing, encouraging him to persevere on the wall, and with climate action
- POW Olympians went to the White House to show off their medals, and to ask for strong climate policy
- POW organised outdoor businesses, resorts, and athletes to meet with leaders on both sides of parliament, to write OpEds, and create content pieces highlighting the benefits of clean technology. Check out this EV video with skier Max Hammer.
For the full report from POW US click here.
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